
Friday, April 23, 2010

Here's what I love:

. . . . Nano.

UPDATE: Coleen's Nano is indeed the peanut brittle Nano, as my Colassard commenting friend has noted. She makes the best peanut brittle this side of heaven. I'm just saying. Some of you may remember that Coleen's grandmother turned 101 last September; as she has all of her adult life, she spent the entire fall making peanut brittle which she sold at craft fairs and bazaars. By "she sold" I mean, of course, that Coleen sold it for her. But make no mistake -- the brittle was all made by Nano; the recipe is top-secret. The money's all hers, too.

I will ask you all to lift up both Nano and Coleen for the next few days. Nano has entered the period of her life's final transition; I hope you will pray with me that it will be serene and peace-filled for her -- and for Coleen.

Thank you all.


  1. And now, I love her too!! What a lovely picture! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Aw...I was going to say the same thing above!

  3. Nano? She must be the peanut brittle Nano?

  4. I miss my Nano! She lived to be 97, and beautiful just like your Nano. Age changes us, but I think in many ways it is for the better. Thanks for coming by even when we were tired of blogging. Needed a break...starting back slowly. Holly:)

  5. She sounds like a wonderful lady.

  6. I love you, Liz. Thank you. ~Coleen

  7. Oh precious Nano. Just read your tweet about her passing. I imagine Heaven's even sweeter tonight as Nano brought her peanut brittle recipe with her. xoxo love love. Lots of beautiful Nano memories to hold you ...

  8. So sorry to hear Nano has passed. I will remember the wonderful peanut brittle! I sure hope she left Colleen the recipe in her will! So Nano can live on forever...I know how much she meant to so many.
